
If you're a little overwhelmed by the list below, you can purchase a collection of my best advice for writers, The Complete Guide to Writing and Self-Publishing Online.  Featuring many of the posts mentioned below, that include the most updated versions of the blog posts specified below.


The 10 Top Creativelive Courses for Writers

Why You Should Consider Ghostwriting

Writing Clearly


How to Make Your Message Sticky (So Your Audience Will Always Remember It)

What You Need to Know About UX Writing (Writing for the User) 

Making Your Writing More Appealing With Design and Visual Formats 

How to Beat the Blank Page and "Just Write"

How to Clean Up Your Writing 

Getting Feedback on Your Writing to See What's Effective

Writing Inspiration
Healthy Writer


What You Need to Know About CPC and CPM Bidding When Advertising Your Book 

Why Continuous Advertising is the Best Way to Sell Your Books 






Author Branding 


Book Marketing

Social Media




Writing Tools
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