Monday, May 17, 2021

Freelance Writing, What You Need to Know

When you write it starts opening up a number of different doors and gives you more opportunity to expand your writing business.  From not just writing books, but also writing articles, blog posts and much more for not only yourself but for other people.

When your books and blog start making money, people will start noticing you and your work in a whole new light.  And this is where freelance writing comes in.

You don't need any qualifications to become a freelance writer, what you do need is experience writing really good articles and books people want to read and buy. 

So What Do I Need to Become a Freelance Writer?

Learn From Other Freelance Writers

Start googling freelance writing and see which websites rise to the top of the pile.  Then read as much as you can about freelancing.  Most websites provide you with a message box or even a set of  FAQs to answer any questions you may want to ask, or have answered.

Familiarise Yourself With the Skills and Tools Required

Alongside writing skills you also need to know how to organise your time, start and manage your own blog, know how to use social media, learn about content marketing, and be confident enough to go out and find the work you need to make a living.

Practice Your Craft

People start writing for many different reasons, some people just love to write, others love writing but find the English language difficult to understand.  

All of these problems can be overcome, all it takes is hard work and persistence.  We all make mistakes and often have times when writer's block takes over, but it's all part of the writing process.

You just need to work on the parts that you think might need a bit more work.  Being a good writer is all about spending time on your craft.  For most of us it takes time to hone a skill like writing, but it's not impossible to get to the level where people like what you have to say and want more.

Books, articles and blog posts are a very simple place to start if you're unsure about vocabulary and writing style.  Reading and researching other writers is the best way to learn.  Learn from the best.

Be Smart About Your Writing

You'll earn more money working on harder subjects and in-depth topics.  There's no harm in tackling harder subjects once in a while.  Learn to stretch yourself and your skills.  It will stand you in good stead in the long-term. 

Produce Your Own Portfolio of Work

It takes time to build up a portfolio, which is why you need to start producing published work right away.  Whether it be through books, blog posts or articles.  You need something to show to your future clients.

You can produce documents using any writing platform whether it be Word or Google Docs. 

Make a Plan of Action

You need to work out how to make the most money from the writing skills you have, and not work for peanuts.  Start looking online at how other freelance writers are making money and ask yourself if that is the right route for you.  Once you get established, start looking for higher paying jobs.

Make Your Terms and Conditions Clear, and Keep Records of Everything You Do

Every time you do a job you need a system that will ensure payment at the end.  You don't want to be chasing clients for money. 

Don't Undervalue Yourself

Just because you're a new freelancer doesn't mean your work is any less than anyone else's.  Demonstrate to your audience and clients that you can do the job and create something that's worth paying a lot for.  

You may need to do a few free jobs to begin with just to get your foot in the door, then you can start looking for clients that want to pay.

Start Your Own Blog

Create your own professional looking website, that includes information about your personality, rates and skills.  If you already have a blog add a hire me page.

Connect With as Many People as You Can

You may find word of mouth is the biggest way you'll get jobs, which means you can use your social media connections to spread the word.  By recommending other people you'll also get recommendations in return.

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Read more:

Knowing Your Publishing Options: Traditional Publishing

Know Your Income Options After You've Published a Book


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