Friday, July 27, 2018

28 Places to Share Your Blog Posts After Posting


So you've created your website from scratch, you know that promoting your website is critical to your success.

If you're a newbie with no experience of blog promotion you're probably feeling a bit baffled as to where you should promote your blog. Chill out and relax, website promotion is pretty simple and can be done without spending a single cent!

By spending a little time each day you can attract the right kind of traffic to your website.

Here are 27 places to get you started:

Let Search Engines Know Where You Are

If you're a regular internet user you'll probably already know that the majority of traffic for most websites comes from search engines. Make search engines the first place to start promoting your blog. To do this you must submit your link directly to the.

The search engines that generate the most traffic are:

1. Google
2. Bing
3. Ping-o-Matic
4. Social Marker

Add Your Blog to Online Directories 

Online directories provide most blogs with potential clients, and it also helps to improve your websites SEO Fitness by linking back to your website.

5. Yelp
6. Google Business
7. Yahoo Local
8. Trip Advisor
9. Yellow Pages
10. Super Pages
11. Angie's List
12. Manta
13. Dex Knows
14. BBB
15. Merchant Circle

Try Social Link Building

Millions of people use popular social sites to put forward their blogs, and businesses to gain quality backlinks.

Here are 9 major social networking sites you might want to check out:

16. Facebook Pages
17. Youtube
18. Google+
19. Pinterest
20. Foursquare
22. Mix
23. Reddit
24. Diigo
25. LinkedIn

Try Photo Sharing Social Media Sites

Very much like social network sites, photo sharing sites allow you to display images that relate to your blog. Anyone can use these sites to post images of their blog activities, news and everything in between.

26. Picasa
27. Flickr
28. Photobucket

Let me know in the comments about your experiences with places to share your blog.

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