Monday, October 03, 2022

Quick SEO Checklist


The internet has opened up the world and is a free resource for businesses everywhere, which means it can be used for advertising, and you won't have to spend a penny.  All of this can be done through SEO.

As of 2022 Google handles 99,000 per second, which works out at 8.5 billion searches a day.  That equals opportunity, and a prospect that can be harnessed through some simple steps and guidance to boost your website's SEO.

We're going to look at ... things that can be managed and help maintain or boost your position on search engines, including Google.

Let’s take a look at these measures. 

Simple Measures You Can Do to Boost and Maintain Your Website SEO

If you're new to blogging, or you're still unsure how SEO works, the first thing you need to do with your website is make sure Google and any other search engine find your website, and read it so it can be indexed and found online.

Technical SEO Tips

Create XML Sitemap

You can do this by using a sitemap creator tool and then submitting it to Google Search Console.

Create Robots.txt File

This may create certain problems for websites and should be used with caution.  If you do make your own Robots.txt file make sure it's accurate, validated in Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster Tools, and doesn't inadvertently block files that you want to be seen. 

Manage Domain Names

Ensure you have no 301 redirects, and make sure all domains are parked and in use, because all of these things can cause significant issues to search engines indexing your website.

Ensure Site Structure Benefits Users

A well-organised website is key to users finding the information they require quickly and easily, and should be one of the first things you think about when you start a site.  A website in disarray will lead to a high bounce rate and low traffic.

Look to Ways of Improving Page Speed

Thousands of people leave slow loading websites everyday and this is due to heavy loading pieces of code.  Keep an eye on your page speed loading time with tools like Mobile-Friendly Test and Website Grader that can tell you if your website is too heavily loaded with code.

Ensure Your Website is Mobile Friendly

It's vital these days to have a mobile friendly website, and that it's designed to work well on smaller devices like a mobile phone.

Include Helpful Information on 404 Pages

A 404 page tells visitors that the landing page is unavailable, which can be really annoying from the users point of view.  However, this can be quickly remedied by including a simple message or including information that points to the new page.

Install SSL Certification

Google isn't a fan of HTTP sites anymore so your chances of ranking high are even lower if you haven't already installed an SSL certificate on your website.

On-Page SEO Tips

The days of keywords, content and title tags being enough to rank you high have gone.  Today Google is looking for content that is well-written and is easy to understand.

Using Keywords and Topics to Target Your Audience

The best way to do this is to know the terms that matter, then map out your content and go to work on the rest of your other on-page factors.

Create Content That Resonates With Your Audience

Readable content that is clear and concise is a winner and is an important part of SEO.

Clean URLs

An element that is often overlooked are URLs.  Try and create your URL using keywords and using them in the right context.

Get Ready to be Found

The aim of the game is to be found and have people engaging with your website and work.  The best websites already have these things in place, it's up to you to manage your SEO and create the content and website people will want to keep coming back to. 

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Read more:

A Brief History of Google Algorithm Updates and What To Do If Your Ranking Drops

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