Monday, September 16, 2024

A Brief History of Book Publishing and Marketing


 Fill your house with stacks of books, in all the crannies and all the nooks. 

Dr. Seuss

Books have brought people new ideas and ways of thinking, and a greater knowledge of the world and how it works.  Understanding the history of how books were created and dispensed gives us a better appreciation of our cognitive, technical and societal development.

Sunday, September 08, 2024

Writer Weight Gain, and What To Do About It


Disclaimer: This blog post is not intended as a substitute for medical advice or treatment.  Any person with a condition requiring medical attention should consult a qualified medical practitioner or suitable therapist.

 If you're healthy all around, you'll feel better, and if you feel better, you'll have a more positive outlook.  It's all connected.

Bridget Moynahan

We live in a world where weight gain has become a part of everyday life.  This is due to people's inactive lifestyles, a bad diet and the pressures of life. 

Writer's are no different.

Monday, September 02, 2024

Creating a BookBub Ad Campaign

Nobody counts the number of ads you run; they just remember the impression you make.

Bill Bernbach

BookBub has become the go-to platform for authors and self-publishers to reach millions of readers around the world via email blasts.

With a little careful research and bidding you can reach thousands of eager reader's everyday.  The highest bidder is published onto an email that is targeted to their chosen author, genre, or both.  With the right amount of impressions and clicks you have a system that will hit the target of your book every time, if done correctly.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

The Solitary Business of Writing

writing is the loneliest job in the world. There's always that frustrating chasm to bridge between the concept and the writing of it. We're a harassed tribe, we writers. 

Fannie Hurst

What do you see when you picture a writer?

It's usually someone sitting alone at their desk in a small room with a tiny window locked away from the world.  With their Muse for company, and happily typing away without a care in the world.