Monday, November 15, 2021

How to Anticipate and Deal With Problems on a Ghostwriting Job


So you've chosen the ghostwriter route as your writing career, which means your voice is going to be tucked away somewhere, while someone else is telling you about theirs.

Here are some of the problems you're going to come across:

1. How much is your time worth? You're going to put a price on your talents as a ghostwriter, but will it be in line with what your clients expect?

2. You aim to write a bestseller for your client and you get offered a percentage of the sales, so what do you do? Take the percentage and have enough to pay your own bills, or negotiate a better deal?

3. Modern technology has taken the pressure of many of life's little challenges, and this includes taking notes from a client.  All you need to do is press record on your mobile phone voice recorder and let your client talk.

4. Hearing your own voice from that voice recording makes you want to scream, because it sounds so awful.  In your head you're wishing you didn't sound so shrill, but that's all part of the job.

5. Putting someone else's thoughts into words can feel like a never ending puzzle, and where do you even start?

6. Meeting the client, and incorporating the cost into your pricing structure can be a nightmare.  Not every client likes your pricing arrangement.

7.  "There's none so strange as folk".  The client is paying your bills, some people you'll like and others you won't get along with.  At the end of the day it's just a job.

8. Life is full of all kinds of people, you never know who's going to ask you to write for them next.

9. Stories are stories and to some people they're real.  What matters is that they believe it.

10. The skill comes in bringing all of your client's stories together and turning them into something readable that people will find hard putting down.

11. You've signed the non-disclosure agreement, which means you have it all recorded or in notebooks somewhere that no one else knows about.

12. You're bombarded with phone calls, text messages and emails asking you the same question, "how's my manuscript getting on?".

13. Your own creativity and flow can often just dry up, while your client is in a world of their own.  They think you can just turn it on like a tap.  You wish.

14. Oftentimes the money is what makes the difference, and all you want to do is write their novel or life story and get paid.

15. You've done everything you can to satisfy your client, but they decide to not pay what you agreed upon, then you bring in the big guns (your lawyer or solicitor).

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