Friday, February 15, 2019

How to Extinguish Your Competition on Social Media With Fotor

Social Media Statistics You Should Know
  1. 3 billion people are using social media, and this number goes up every year. (Smart Insights).
  2. Every second 11 new people will use social media for the first time.  (Skyword).
  3. 90% of marketers gained greater exposure through social media.  (Ignite Visibility).
Don't Get Lost in the Noise

If you haven't done one already, create your own simple social media marketing plan that will make your followers sit up and take notice. 

Fotor's online design maker will help make your graphics look more polished, and get you the attention your blog or website deserves.

Use Fotor to exhibit your blog content with professional flair, through your social media accounts.

In this article discover an actionable plan that will optimize your social media sites, on Pinterest, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram and LinkedIn.

With a Secure Social Media Plan You Can:
  1. Build relationships with your followers and customers
  2. Create and design graphics that are applicable to your website message.
  3. Target your blog content to social media sites that your followers frequent.
I'm going to show you how to employ all three of the above strategies in this blog post.

Use Vibrant Graphics in Your Blog Marketing

People are naturally drawn to images that spark the imagination, this is why memes, infographics and graphics in general are so popular.  Tools such as Fotor can help and aid you in your graphic design, and even your company logo.

With a professional logo, it will looked like you hired a professional designer.
Figure Out Where Your Target Audience Is

This means you don't have to be on all of them.  A common mistake by many bloggers is to assume you need to be on all of the major social media sites.

There are plenty of options with social media: Twitter, Pinterest, Facebook and Instagram.  Not everyone is comfortable on all of these sites, do your own research before you sign up, to discover which ones suit your purpose the best.

Pinterest Tips

Size matters, along with how you display your graphics.  Pinterest prefers vertical graphics and bright colours that easily catch the eye.

Get your brand noticed with strong images that showcase your blog. People like to shop for brands through Pinterest, create images to draw people into buy your products.

You can advertise on Pinterest by boosting a Pin.

Active Users on Pinterest over 175 million.

Twitter Tips
You can use your Pinterest post image on Twitter, and give Twitter followers a clear image with your branding.

There are various thoughts on posting content, even as much as 10 times a day. 

Handy tip: Keep your most recent blog posts at the top of your feed, that's the place most people will look to retweet your tweets.

Create your own personal Twitter cover with Fotor's templates.

Active Users on Twitter 330 million.

YouTube Tips

Design your own piece of YouTube Channel Art or video thumbnail with one Fotor's many templates.

You can use your thumbnail at the end, or the beginning of your video on YouTube.  Search engines like to cateogorise videos by their thumbnail.  People searching for particular subject will go straight to the most attractive one.

Active Users on YouTube 1 billion.

Instagram Tips

Fotor will get you the attention you need with it's numerous Instagram templates.

You can extend your visibility when you pay a sponsor to boost your post on Instagram.  Do this by simply pressing "Promote".

Another hot platform for brands, discover 8 things you should know about making money on Instagram:
  • Show relevant photos that match your brand
  • Keep a unified theme throughout
  • Adopt popular hashtags
  • Hold product giveaways
  • Advertise your stories with Instagram stories
  • Create an Instagran Business Account
  • Gain 10,000 visitors to use the "swipe up" feature for website traffic
  • Adopt IGTV to advertise your products
  • Create a compelling bio on your Instagram account
Active users on Instagram 800 million users.

LinkedIn Tips

Create a cool cover with Fotor's LinkedIn templates.  This particular social media site was created for business and professional people alike.  A professional image is required to gain more followers.

Fotor has templates to suit all personalities and businesses.

Make sure your LinkedIn bio is complete, and treat it like a resume to impress.

Join as many relevant LinkedIn groups as you can. and use LinkedIn's blog to post articles regularly.

Active users on LinkedIn 500 million.


In this post you discovered how to:
  • Grow and cultivate lasting bonds with your followers and readers
  • Create graphics that will wow your audience, and deliver a powerful message
  • Target social media sites that your followers frequent the most
All of these methods have been covered above, and will definitely get the attention your website needs.

When your action plan combines Fotor you know it will be much more powerful.
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