Monday, September 05, 2022

How to Master SEO Writing


Search engines have become, for most people, the first place to look for information.  It's no surprise that SEO is a sought after skill that also involves writing.  

As a blogger it's an invaluable ability to have, and definitely helps when you're trying to stay on top online. For some writer's, such as freelancing, it can be an extra source of income which doesn't harm profits, quite the opposite.  

But if you've never delved into the world of SEO writing it can look really daunting. 

Don't worry we're going to take a look into SEO writing and discover what you need to master this particular skill.

SEO Writing, What Is It?

SEO writing is the process used to create content that ranks on search engines like Google.  Using SEO strategies to craft content that will rank high on search engines.  

Content can be anything from:

  • Blog posts
  • Product pages
  • Landing pages
  • Infographics
  • Guides or eBooks
  • Videos
  • Toolkits
  • Glossaries

All of this information should be logically organised so that your visitors and search engines can find it.  

All content should be shared regulary online via social media, and within your emails.  The more you share, the greater chance you have of gaining valuable quality backlinks. 

This  level of sharing gives your audience and new readers the chance to link back and you a higher chance of appearing on the first page of Google or any search engine.  

9 SEO Writing Tips That are SEO Friendly and Convert

Mastering the art of SEO writing takes time, so let's take a look at 9 tips to get you started.

1. Research Keywords and the Create Content Around those Words

A number of simple searches on a chosen subject will come up with numerous suggestions, but more than that,  will show you the most used words in that particular subject.

By going through all of these topics you can find different topics that can be written about that you know people are interested in.

Remember you should never stuff your content full of keywords, but instead use them in your page titles, headings etc.  

Keywords help people find you and your content and help generate valuable traffic to your website.

2. Write Engaging Content

This should be your priority, and not about ranking high on Google.  A conversational, easy-to-read style of writing should be used to grab your audiences attention, and should never sound like it's atificial.

People value good information, and will keep coming back, so focus on creating content that will solve problems.  Breaking your text up into readable chunks that are easy to skim through.

Keep your paragraphs short and pithy with two or three sentences at a time.

Use graphics, videos and images to catch your visitor's eye.

3.  Go For Quality Over Quantity

There is no magic formula or required length for good content.  You'll read from a lot of SEO professionals that long form content will help you rank higher, but this isn't always the case.  Search engines and readers look for value every time, from websites that create in-depth text.

4. Embrace Content Sharing

Social media marketing should be done on a regular basis, and encouraged because this is where you're going to find quality backlinks from like-minded people.  These authoritative backlinks will boost your name and show people your website is worth the visit.

Social media shares can help with traffic, and boost your brand all at the same time.  You can include simple social share buttons on your website along with CTA's to encourage people to click.  

Some people may even want to link back to your website if they consider content is valuable enough.

5. Link to Other Useful Content in Your Website

Internal linking is important when your creating content online.  Relevant links are a helpful navigation tool around your website, and help guide your visitor's to relevant information that might otherise have been missed.

Internal links are like breadcrumbs that guide your visitor's around your website, and are an essential part of SEO.

Search bots use these links to navigate, which helps with your SEO.

6. Craft CTAs to Drive Conversions

Every visitor to your website is valuable, and you can use CTAs to show the way through your website.  You can accomplish this through creative clear CTAs showing your readers what to do next.

Want them to buy your book? Download a free PDF or guide? Subscribe to your email?

Guide them in a way that expresses value.  Great content is nothing without conversions, and CTAs help seal the deal.

7. Check Your Analytics Regularly and Optimise Your Content

Tools such as Google Analytics are invaluable and will tell you exactly what topics and posts are being read the most.  This kind of data shows your top performing pages, and where you need to tweak blog posts and pages for conversions.

Evergreen content can be a tough one to produce all of the time, with a bit of planning you can regularly update your content, and refresh information you think may be out-of-date. 

8. Tailor Your Writing on the Platform Used

Not all platforms are made the same, each requires its own content.  What you write on your website doesn't necessarily translate over onto a social media platform, and vice versa.  

Which means that each platform demands its own method and style.  Content writing is all about writing stories, how-to articles, and more.  Whereas social media posts need to be short and to the point to motivate clicks within seconds.

9. Don't Overthink and Don't Be Afraid

SEO writing can leave you tied up in knots if you let it.  Everywhere you turn online you have advice coming out of your ears, and hundreds of search pages that will tell you what you should be doing. This will leave you confused and chasing your tail.  

Just remember who you're writing for, and you'll be fine.

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Read more:

Identifying and Repairing Common SEO Problems

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