Monday, January 27, 2020

Blog Comments, Should You Deactivate Them?

You know how it feels to receive comments, and the connection you feel you've made with your reader. If only all comments were like that. Unfortunately their are a lot of people who like to leave as many spam comments as possible.

So is it worthwhile having that little box at the end of each blog post? There are many popular bloggers and online marketers who have turned off their comments completely because of the high numbers of spammy and low-quality comments they receive.

The Great Comments Debate

When you start looking into this particular subject you realise that it's not just a one-sided debate. Online marketers such as Pat Flynn and Everett Bogue examine the issue quite deeply in this article by Fizzle.

Pat Flynn contends that you should keep your blog comments turned on, where as Everett Bogue says that you should really consider turning them off.

Here's a rundown of both sides of the argument:

Reasons for Blog Comments

Pat's argument is:
A successful blog does not come without its readers, so I feel that the least we can do for them as bloggers is to allow them to have their voice be heard if they choose to speak. In a way, I find it self-righteous and smug to simply post content and disable the ability for people to voice their own opinion, as if to say "my content is good enough as it is and your opinion doesn't matter.
Advantages for allowing blog comments

  • A form of social proof for the blogger
  • Helps you understand what your readers want from your blog
  • A user is more likely to engage in other ways on the blog, such as signing up to your newsletter, or even buying further down the line
Disadvantages of allowing blog comments

Everett's argument:

Around 50% of the comments I was receiving when I turned off comments were from newer bloggers who wanted me to notice them. I love noticing people, but honestly, comments is the worst way for me to care about you. Almost no one clicks through to your blog via comments." He also says that rather than taking the time to go through endless numbers of low-quality comments on his blog, he has the time to build more meaningful relationships with his audience on social media.

Should You Turn Your Blog Comments Off for Good?

Not all blog comments are the same, there are some that are really good engagement with your readers.

These comments are valuable to you as a blogger, and should be handled with great care and attention.

Here are the Perks to Blog Comment Links

With just a couple of comments a day you can get some really great results.
  • It will help build traffic to your site
  • It will help build up your reputation
  • It will help grow your authority online
  • Will lead to sales and readers 
Top Blog Commenting Tips
  • Always recognise the author and add a compliment.
  • Add in extra valuable information from the article, as well as your own expertise on the subject.
  • Only add a link if it's relevant, and keep your comment brief. 
Last but not Least.

Only Write Comments that Add to the Post and Discussion

Any comments with little to no real connection will do your blog more harm than good.

All your comments have to make sense, and be in response to what is already written. You don't want to be seen as a spammer.

Let me know your thoughts in the comments below. 
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Read more:

The Definitive Guide to Writing a Blog Post

How to Generate Blog Post Ideas

How to Make Your Blogger Blog Look and Feel Like a Website