Wednesday, August 08, 2018

22 Proven Tips to Gain Epic Traffic on Pinterest

(Blog post updated 08/05/2019). 

If you love social media you've probably discovered Pinterest already.  But do you know how to get the kind of traffic that just keeps on giving.

In order to shine on Pinterest you need a strategy that works, a plan that will put you at the top of the ladder when it comes to social media marketing.

Here are 22 proven tips that will get you epic traffic on Pinterest:

1. Create a Business Profile

If your running your blog as a business it makes sense to sign up for a Pinterest business account.  It's free to create a business account and it's an easy change over if you already have a Pinterest account.

Prime Your Profile

Give people a reason to follow your profile by providing a professional profile that shows that you mean business. You want as many people viewing your pins as possible, your followers will know how important your profile is by the amount of effort and time you've put into it.  The more followers you have the more chance of them stumbling across your pins in their feed.

This is why its important to have a professional profile, otherwise you risk being followed by spam accounts.

2. Create an Amazing Avatar

Your avatar is the first thing people will see when they stop by your profile.  You have two options:

1. Create a headshot.
2. Create a logo

It's your decision which suits your blog or website best.  Make sure that your avatar or photo is clear, you don't want to leave a bad first impression.

Ensure that all of your social media accounts follow the same branding, this let people know that you mean business.

3. Create a Keyword Rich Name

Use your blog name if you have a Pinterest business account. Use keywords in the description.  (Choose your keywords wisely because you don't have many characters).

4.  Create a Keyword Rich Description

Use a catchy line or tag to get your readers attention.

I chose my blog tag line:

Practical Advice for Writers.

This is your opportunity to grab the people that are looking for something particular in your area of expertise.

It's your chance to add a short URL for a free eBook or product.

5. Confirm the Link to Your Website

This should be one of the first things you do when you fill in your settings page.  People will stumble upon your blog and naturally will want to have a look at what you do.

6. Link Your Other Social Media Accounts

If you're connected to Facebook or Google connect your accounts.  It's useful for logging into your account.

7. Your Boards Are Your Business

Most people think Pinterest is a site you can create random boards and add hundreds of pins to them. Which couldn't be further from the truth.

You need to put together boards that are curated with appropriate information taken from your blog and other bloggers in your niche.  Aim for about 15 boards with at least 10 pins on them to start off with.

Create boards that are appealing, and attractive, use them for branding your blog or business.

Interesting note:  Pinterest is used predominantly by women, so make your pins pretty, simple and attractive.

A good place to start is to create a best of board for your blog, an example is my board, which I use to promote all of my writing and blogging.
When you're creating regular content you can start to add subcategories to your main blog board, such as:
  • Grammar and Punctuation
  • Self-Publishing
  • Books Your Reading
  • Gifts
  • Tools and Resources
If you're really stuck start delving into what your competition is doing.  What boards do they have?  And copy their boards.

You'll notice a lot of the same named boards, make sure your boards stand-out from the competition.

8. Choose a Category

Pinterest will automatically put your board in "other", you don't want this if you can help it.  You need to pick a category that's the closest to your chosen niche.  Most bloggers put their blog into "education" because they're teaching people something new, so choose a category that's the closest to your niche.

9. Be Specific With Your Board Names

It's easy to make your boards more personal than specific, you need to find names that are keyword rich and will show up in Pinterest search results.

People prefer to find whole boards full of pins that interest them.

10. Make Your Board Description Count

Again this is very similar to your profile description, you need to think of words people will be looking for in your category.

You need to grab people's attention with a hook, that will grab their attention at first-glance.

11. Design Your Own Board Covers

By default Pinterest will choose the first pin on a board and use it as a cover.  You want your Pinterest profile to look professional, which is why Pinterest gives you the option of choosing your own board cover.

Your ideal board cover matches and blends with your website or blog.  I kept my covers really simple and minimal, but you can be as a creative as you like. 
12.  Create a Home Board

This board will house all of your blog or websites images this should be the first board everyone will see.  This is a thought many Pinners use, but there is a downside to creating a home board, you're creating duplicate pins which Pinterest doesn't like.  So be careful on this one.

13. Arrange Your Boards

Always put your best boards first, these are the boards that cover the most popular topics and present content that is  to your audience.

14. Start Joining Group Boards

Join boards that are like-minded and in the same niche as you.  This will also boost your blog traffic tremendously and give you greater exposure.

16. Create Fabulous Images 

Your boards are the guts of your Pinterest profile, your images are the nuts and bolts and the pins people will most interact with.

Your competition will be pretty fierce but not impossible to conquer.  Provide your visitors with something that's worth looking at.  Spend time and give your images some thought when you produce them.

Size Matters

Pinterest will accept almost any size image, the optimum size is 750px X 1120px or you could use a template from an online image create such as Fotor or Picmonkey where they'll provide you with blank templates or pre-made templates to use on your board. 

It's certainly true that horizontal pins get overlooked.  You could try using different sizes but again that all depends on the style of your blog or website.

17. Make Your Pins Readable

Use a text overlay on your image, they tend to fair much better than blank pins.  People like to know the ins and outs of everything so give them an eye catching banner.

18. Write Amazing Headlines

Use enticing headlines to grab your audiences attention.  Don't write overly complicated headers, keep it simple.

19. Curate with Passion

Care about what you pin, curate the content that matches with your blog mission statement.  Don't just save anything on your boards.

Always create content that is worth clicking, take time each week to pin and keep your branding in mind every time you pin on Pinterest.  You're followers will expect a certain theme or colours to run through your boards so give them want they want to see.

20. Create Rich Pins

This is an amazing and secure way to ensure that your pins automatically show information directly from your website.

It also helps branding, and makes your profile look more authentic and official.

21. Add Share and Follow Buttons

You need to prep your site for your blog visitors, creating easily shareable buttons so that they can add your pins on Pinterest.

You can get the HTML code from Pinterest, this is pretty easy to follow, and if you're really unsure about adding code check out some videos on Youtube to guide you.

22. Be Consistent and Periodic

Set-up a routine that suits you and pin everytime you create new content.  Add pins from other Pinterest users and start building your boards.
Develop a Pinning Strategy

You need to start creating a plan of action otherwise all of the above work is for nothing.

Pin consistently, so it becomes second-nature, people will start expecting new pins on the days you choose to Pin. 

Incorporate this into your weekly blog routine and it won't seem like a chore when you do it.
Read more:

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