Monday, March 26, 2018

How to Improve Your Skill as a Non-Fiction Writer


It doesn't matter if you're writing a business proposal, writing a memo, inquiring after a grant or writing a blog post.

Check out these 25 tips, and see your non-fiction writing skills improve.

1. Start Reading Great Writer's

In order to be a really good writer you need to learn from the best.  This means taking advice from the best authors who know what they're talking about.

Here are some of the reasons you need to start reading today:
  • Discover your inspiration.
  • Get a better understanding of language.
  • Appreciate language and all its complexities.

Thursday, March 22, 2018

How to Make Your Blogger Blog Look and Feel Like a Website

Does your Blogger blog still feel too much like a blog?

I'm going to show you how to unblogger your blog.

See my tips below for customising your blog and making it look and act more like a website:

If you've just created a new blog and not sure where to take it, or what to include on your blog I'm going to show you some basics widgets, and pages your blog will need to start you on your blogging journey.

Monday, March 19, 2018

The Definitive Guide to Writing a Blog Post


Creating Your Blog Post

Trying to write a blog post that's both unique, and contains useful information can sometimes seem like an impossibility. Creating regular content that's fresh, and unique is a job in itself.

I'm going to show how to create addictive content, that will make your readers wanting more.

Where to Start

Ascertain When You're Most Productive

Groundwork for any writer is working out when they're at their most productive. That means when you're going to be the most productive. Day or night? Does your routine include music in the background or TV playing as you write. If you're not sure when you're best time is try experimenting with various times throughout the day.

After you've discovered you're best writing time, try and set yourself a weekly routine. If it doesn't work tweak it until you become more comfortable. You'll soon discover when you're most creative, this will make the writing process more, and when you're writing will really start to flow, making your writing more enjoyable.

Thursday, March 15, 2018

How to Write With Confidence

As a writer I always worry that what I write isn't good enough or liked by anyone, and this can feel like a black cloud hovering over my head sometimes, and is a hard feeling to shake.

That crisis of conscience can hit when times are hard, and often leave you with writer's block.  Not really knowing what your next move should be.

We live in a world where big things are expected from us all of the time, which is a lot to handle when you're trying to live your life as well.

Sometimes all it takes is to step back and drop down a gear, put things into perspective, and not panic.

Monday, March 12, 2018

12 Glaring Signs You're a Writer at Heart


Blog post updated 05/07/2019.

Do you sit back and think to yourself, if I wrote a book would it be any good?

It's a question most burgeoning writer's ask.

For many people words are easier to understand than numbers, I count myself as one of those people, math's was never my strong point.

Do any of these signs seem familiar to you?

Here are the 12 Glaring Signs You're a Writer at Heart.

1. Do You People Watch and Listen in to Other People's Conversations?

This probably sounds a lot like stalking, but all it really amounts to is observing the world  and people around you.  You can take notes about the way people dress, walk, and they generally carry themselves.  While you're sitting having a leisurely coffee your ears tune into the conversations going on around you.  All of these things can build up a picture in your mind.  This can be just enough to spark a story idea.