
All it takes is a few errors for your document or book to look unprofessional.

I am the author and editor of 10 books, including Strange Stories, True Stories and Tales from Hollywood, available on Amazon.  I'm keen to make your writing shine.  As your editor and proofreader I will work to review your text, checking for any errors. 

How Do I Make Changes?

I use track changes, using Google Docs.

What I Provide


The final edit of a manuscript checking for spelling, punctuation, capitalization and grammar.


Editing of a mature manuscript close to being published.

What I Look Out For

  • Grammar blunders
  • Punctuation errors
  • Spelling slip ups
  • Formatting issues
  • Improper word use
  • Sentence structure
  • Syntax issues

My Speciality


(£0.017 per word).


Up to 500 words £8.50

Up to 1,500 words £25.50

Up to 3,000 words £51

Up to 5,000 words £85

Up to 8,000 words £136

Up to 10,000 words £170

If your document is longer or if you would like a list of prices I can send you a copy via email.


Payment must be made in advance. (I don't offer a refund for my services), and paid via a PayPal invoice.

How it Works

Send your email to hbolam@gmail.com

With the following details:
  • Document (must be a Word Document or Google Document (Word Document (*.docx)
  • Word count of your document
  • If the document is UK English or US English

What Happens Next?

Once payment is received I will edit your manuscript and upon completion send back a document with the changes made and a clean document which is the finished product.